Digital Transformation in Education
Education has been compared to a passport for the future by great figures like Malcolm X, belonging to those who prepare for it today. The main question is, how effective has it been? Especially with the grading system and accuracy of results when testing intelligence. With increased class sizes and funding reforms in the US, the curriculum undoubtedly has to change to accommodate the current event in education. Technology integration into the education system is one current event, transforming learning assessment, instructions and physical make-up of classrooms.

Some ideas, tasks, and the way you can use these digital devices to improve your studies, and class performance is as follows:

Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality
Use of Augmented, virtual reality is one way you can make learning more interactive and informative, especially in classes you find to be boring. You can use the engaging device to form group discussions with friends or classmates through an interactive and collaborative fun way. Choosing the right app for a specific class is also important, an example is “Unimersiv”- mainly used for scientific and history lessons. The app can transport you to the outside world like ancient Greece or planets like Mars if fed with the right program.


“Cospaces” app is another example, suitable if you are an art and design student enabling you to share your virtual creation with your classmates or the rest of the world. Not comparing it to ‘Minecraft games’-but their increased visual literacy and attention to details are outstanding bringing practicality to education.

Devices Set for Classroom
From the current event in education; when schools allowed students to Bring their own devices (BYOD), now the recent trend gives them the school’s machines. Since “Every Student Succeeds Act” passed, several funds, grants, and donations have allowed for the purchase of tablets, laptops, and smartphones. The devices will enable you to access a wide selection of educational materials simplifying the understanding of the curriculum. Google Chromebooks are one of the tools you can use for quick studies or before exams offering solutions. You can also use the Chromebook to form discussion groups or link with the teacher to better your performance. Advanced learning or specialization in a specific field, not taught in school like programming can also be helpful with the device.

Specialized Digital Devices for Learners
There are also some skill development and knowledge construction apps in devices which may boost your school performance like in speaking and writing foreign languages. If you are homeschooled or find cooperating with other students hard; then developing teamwork and an emotional interaction through apps in devices like Debate Graph and TalkBoard will be beneficial. For disabled learners with special needs like learning disability or a slow learner, then there exists a specific learner-centered course online or in devices. An example is apps like “Dyslexia Toolbox” for dyslexics, which is free and found in Apple iTunes.

The digitalized education system caters for all areas of learning which include: constructivism boosting creativity, objectivism; focusing on specific goals — multiculturalism; interacting with students globally, psychological; developing cognitive skills, technological; involving e-learning and the Disabilities Education Act.